Welcome to the Cetaverse!

It is a pure personal project for Levi’Claws (and is canon to the lore), this wiki serves to find new ways to tell stories and find tales whom lingered for so long, we manage new ways of speech and pass our folktales among generation to generation, and we find many brand new ways to speak up chronicles, aside meaningful use of words, this wiki covers everything in the Cetaverse and aligns it with the modern world in the most up-to-minute ways possible.

The original novel is inaccurate and thus, is the reason why this wiki was created, originally called the Leviathan Wiki, we started out documenting individual leviathans till an agreement was made to rename this wiki due to copyright issues, While descended from the Creative Stories Wiki, the Cetaverse is not related to other user’s stories on any way.

This is a personal project, and is best moderated by only one user, in the meantime, you can check out all the pages and in general, all the work done by users.

Featured Page[]

The Red Bowl is a hoax that revolves around the fact that LEVITANKS forces its leviathans to live in red bowls barely their size for around the first year of their life, it was exposed early on by cetologists who argued that giant bowls are only used for suffering newborns less than 2 years old.

We have 99 files uploaded! Many images and videos surfing on the wiki! We have made 836 edits so far with the contribution of many editors to keep this wiki tidy! There are 1 active users currently! We currently have made 45 articles in total!

Work in progress..
Work in progress..